In my rustic furniture shop you'll find all kinds of tools, more clamps than most woodworkers acquire in a lifetime, and lots of jigs. Some of those jigs are brilliant. Some make me wonder what the heck I was thinking. But I learn something from everything I make -- even the jigs that don't work out the way I thought they would.
This blog is a new kind of tool for me. In a rural area like ours, high-speed internet options are limited. I'd never even seen a blog until a few months ago. But now that we can view things in less time than it takes to make a meal, I've revised my opinion that computers are a fad. And I have to admit I'm kind of excited about having this new way to share ideas with other people who appreciate the materials and methods used in making rustic furniture.
What's not new is the teamwork part of it. My wife, Donna, and I have been working together for more than 20 years. She's going to help out with the blog while I learn the ropes. She'll probably tell a few stories here on her own, too. The one about pants-dialing from the woods -- all true.
I hope you'll add your own stories, too. There's a comment button at the bottom of each post. Got a question or a tale to tell? That's what it's for. I look forward to hearing from you.
way cool thanks for sharing